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📓 Course Calendar

Week Date Lecture Homework Project
1 Mon 1/08
Wed 1/10
Introduction to Game Engines
C# Functions, Control, and .NET
HW 1: Getting Started
READ: Course Syllabus
Kitchen Chaos
2 Mon 1/15
Wed 1/17
No Class (Martin Luther King's Birthday)
Unity: 2D, 3D, AR, VR, MR
HW 2: Classes and Coroutines
READ: The MDA Framework
Midterm: Advocacy
3 Mon 1/22
Wed 1/24
Unity: GetComponents, MeshRenderer
Unity: Awake, Update, Start
HW 3: AR and XR Foundation
READ: IEEE Game Engine Comparison
4 Mon 1/29
Wed 1/31
Unity: Transform and Character Controller
C#: Arrays, Linked Lists, Doubly Linked Lists
HW 4: Generics and Inheritence
READ: Dual Body Bimanual Coordination
5 Mon 2/05
Wed 2/07
Unity: RigidBody Collisions
Midterm Project Party
HW 5: Object-Oriented Concepts
READ: CHI Game UX Design & Research
6 Mon 2/12
Wed 2/14
Unity: RigidBody Physics
C#: Recursion and Coroutines
HW 6: 3D Orientations
READ: Fostering Empathy Through Media

7 Mon 2/19
Wed 2/21
No Class (President's Day)
WebGL and ReactJS
HW 7: Publishing Builds
READ: Commentary for Playtesting
8 Mon 2/26
Wed 2/28
Unity: DOTS and ECS
Midterm Playtest with 🔥 Snapchat 🔥
HW 8: Raycasting
READ: 3D User Interfaces
Midterm Due
9 Mon 3/04
Wed 3/06
Unity uGUI in Worldspace
Unity UIToolkit for In-Game UI
HW 9: Cinematic Studio
READ: NVIDIA Real-time Raytracing
Final: Outside the Box
10 Mon 3/11
Wed 3/13
No Class (Spring Recess)
No Class (Spring Recess)
HW 10: Illumination
READ: MIT Spatial Computing
11 Mon 3/18
Wed 3/20
Game Developer Conference
Game Developer Conference
HW 11: Shaders and VFX
READ: Vulkan Rendering for Multimedia
12 Mon 3/25
Wed 3/27
Rigging and Humanoid Animation
Advanced Cameras and Cinemachine
HW 12: Hugging Face Unity API
READ: AI and Cinema
13 Mon 4/01
Wed 4/03
Yarn Spinner Language Selection
Yarn Spinner Variable Management
HW 13: Unity ML-Agents Toolkit
READ: Narrative Categorization
14 Mon 4/08
Wed 4/10
C#: Delegates and Polymorphism
C#: Vectors, Matrix, Quaternions
HW 14: Delegates and Events
READ: Machine Learning Agents
15 Mon 4/15
Wed 4/17
Playtest and Code Review
Unity Mathematics vs Mathf
HW 15: Polymorphism
READ: Google Generative AI Art
Code Review
16 Mon 4/22
Wed 4/24
Navigation AI: A* Algorithm
Custom Pathfinding Algorithms
HW 16: Dot and Cross Product
READ: Heuristics in Game AI
17 Mon 4/29
Wed 5/01
Final Playtest and Presentation
Oculus SDK and visionOS Workshop
HW 17: A* Algorithm
READ: Game Dev Portfolios
18 Mon 5/06
Wed 5/08
iOS/Android Mobile Workshop
Lua for Game Consoles Workshop
HW 18: Technical Interviews
READ: Unity Interview Questions
Final Project Due

✌️ USC Academic Calendar

  • Classes Begin: January 9th
  • Martin Luther King's Birthday: January 15th
  • President's Day: February 19th
  • Spring Recess: March 10th - 17th
  • Classes End April 26th
  • Study Days: May 1st - 8th
  • Exams: May 1st - 8th
  • Commencement: May 10th

🗓️ Office Hours Calendar

  • Debbie Yuen:

    There will be opportunities for weekly or bi-weekly check-ins with the instructor. These check-ins are for lab and project support in addition to any questions covered or not covered within lecture. Feel free to work with Debbie with your projects and for resume/portfolio help! Below are some time frames Debbie is typically available:

    • MW 10:00 am - 12:00 pm PST (On Campus)
    • TuTh 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm PST (Google Meet)
  • Nile Imtiaz:

    • Wednesday and Friday after 4 pm

🏆 Contest Calendar

Contest Category Deadline
SF Design Week Design TBA
Core77 Design TBA
Fast Company Design TBA
SIGGRAPH Student Research Research TBA